Green Onions
Nature’s Reward green onions are available year round in a variety of pack styles, including convenient iceless packs. High in Vitamin C, Nature’s Reward green onions add variety and flavor to every produce department. Bunched available with UPC/PLU Tape.

RPCs and Private Label available on all packs.
Try These Ideas
For Preparing Green Onions
Wrap in bacon and cook in hot vegetable oil until browned and crisp.
Toss with olive oil, salt and pepper and roast in a 450º oven until golden and wilted. Roasting brings out the sweetness of the onions.
Toss on a BBQ with chicken or beef and serve alongside the meat.
Make Chinese pesto by adding finely sliced green onions, ginger, and salt to vegetable oil in a heated pan and then puree. Add as a sauce to any Chinese dish or to dress up a bowl of rice.
Spread a little cream cheese onto the bulb end and wrap with thinly sliced deli roast beef. Add a little horseradish to the cream cheese to take the flavor up a notch!
Health Benefits