New website highlights Nature’s Reward brand
So, Steinbeck Country Produce just switched our website to from We sent an official press release (here) to describe why, yet I thought I would use this space to say a little bit more about our reasoning behind the change. Over 90% of our products are shipped in the Nature’s Reward label so when a customer sees our high quality merchandise in a store, warehouse, terminal, etc…it is now faster and seamless, to simply type in Nature’s Reward and go right to our site, right to us! There are also some search engine optimization reasons for making the change that frankly I do not understand yet thankfully we have folks here that do understand that world. Basically, we want people to know that we grow, harvest, and ship Nature’s Reward vegetables. We are proud of our quality and consistency day in, day out, year after year. We are proud to be Nature’s Reward!
Yours in Fresh Produce, Greg Beach